Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The category structures on 2

  • $\cattwo$ as a metacategory (CWM 1.1)
  • $\cattwo$ as an internal category in $\Set$, i.e., $\cattwo\in\Cat(\Set)$ (CWM 1.2)
  • $\cattwo$ as a category enriched in $\Set$, i.e., as a $\Set$-category, i.e., $\cattwo\in\Set$-$\Cat$ (CWM 1.8, 7.7)
  • $\bftwo$ as a category enriched in itself, i.e., as a $\bftwo$-category, i.e., $\bftwo\in\bftwo$-$\Cat$ (BCECT 1.6.3)
  • $\Set$ and $\cattwo$ as $\text{ccccc}$s - complete and cocomplete cartesian closed categories
  • Relations between the categories

$\cattwo$ as a metacategory (CWM 1.1)

(The metacategory $\cattwo$) has data consisting of:
two objects, $\bot$ and $\top$, and three arrows, $1_\bot:\bot\to\bot$, ${\lt}:\bot\to\top$, and $1_\top:\top\to\top$
(${\lt}:\bot\to\top$ is of course usually denoted $\bot\lt\top$).
(Its identity arrows) are evident, and (its composition operation) is defined by (the unit axiom).
Note that no mention of sets has been made.

$\cattwo$ as an internal category in $\Set$, i.e., $\cattwo\in\Cat(\Set)$ (CWM 1.2)

(The internal category $\cattwo$ in $\Set$) has data consisting of
a set of objects $\boxed{\cattwo_0 = \{\bot,\top\}}$ and
a set of arrows $\boxed{\cattwo_1 = \{1_\bot,{\lt},1_\top\}}$,
together with (source, target, identity, and composition functions) which implement (the operations defined for the metacategory $\cattwo$).
The only difference between the definition of $\cattwo$ (as a metacategory) and (as an internal category in $\Set$) is (the explicit mention of sets and functions).

$\cattwo$ as a category enriched in $\Set$, i.e., as a $\Set$-category, i.e., $\cattwo\in\Set$-$\Cat$ (CWM 1.8, 7.7)

Again, we have the set of objects $\{\bot,\top\}$, now denoted by $\boxed{\ob\cattwo}$ (because the subscript $()_0$ will soon be given another meaning).
We also have a hom-function $\boxed{ \hom - \cattwo - : \ob\cattwo \times \ob\cattwo \to \Set}$,
taking each (pair of objects) to {the set of arrows from (the first, source, object) to (the second, target, object)}.
We represent the hom-function as a table:
target $\top$ $\{\lt\}$ $\{1_\top\}$
$\bot$ $\{1_\bot\} $ $\emptyset$
$\hom {\langle\text{source}\rangle} {\cattwo} {\langle\text{target}\rangle}$ $\bot$ $\top$

$\bftwo$ as a category enriched in itself, i.e., as a $\bftwo$-category, i.e., $\bftwo\in\bftwo$-$\Cat$ (BCECT 1.6.3)

(The internal hom for $\bftwo$) is shown in (the center of the display below), where it can be easily compared to (some related functions).
The $\Set$-valued hom-function
(the external hom) for the $\Set$-category $\cattwo$
target $\top$ $\{ \bot \xrightarrow{\textstyle \lt} \top \}$ $\{ \top \xrightarrow{\textstyle 1_\top} \top \}$
$\bot$ $\{ \bot \xrightarrow{\textstyle 1_\bot} \bot\}$ $\emptyset$
$\hom {\langle\text{source}\rangle} {\cattwo} {\langle\text{target}\rangle}$ $\bot$ $\top$
The $\bftwo$-valued hom-function
(the internal hom) for the $\bftwo$-category $\bftwo$
target $\top$ $\top$ $\top$
$\bot$ $\top$ $\bot$
$\hom {\langle\text{source}\rangle} \bftwo {\langle\text{target}\rangle}$
$\bot$ $\top$
The truth-table
for implication ($\Rightarrow$)
consequent $\top$ $\top$ $\top$
$\bot$ $\top$ $\bot$
$\langle\text{ant.}\rangle \Rightarrow \langle\text{cons.}\rangle$ $\bot$ $\top$
The $\Set$-valued hom-function
for the full subcategory $\cal T$ (for “tiny”) determined by $\emptyset$ and $\{\emptyset\}$
of the $\Set$-category $\Set$
target $\{\emptyset\}$ $\big\{\emptyset\to\{\emptyset\}\big\}$ $\big\{\{\emptyset\} \xrightarrow{\textstyle 1_{\{\emptyset\}} } \{\emptyset\}\big\}$
$\emptyset$ $\big\{\emptyset \xrightarrow{\textstyle 1_\emptyset } \emptyset\big\}$ $\emptyset$
$\hom {\langle\text{source}\rangle} \Set {\langle\text{target}\rangle}$
$\emptyset$ $\{\emptyset\}$

We can compare (the two $\Set$-categories, $\cattwo$ and $\Set$) to (the $\bftwo$-category $\bftwo$) with (the following two diagrams).
The labels above the arrows are the names of the arrows in the $\Set$-categories
(for the last arrow on each line, there is no label above, indicating that there is no such arrow in the $\Set$-category; the $\Set$ arrow $\emptyset\to\{\emptyset\}$ exists, but is here unnamed);
labels below arrows indicate the value of $\big( \hom {\langle\text{source}\rangle} \bftwo {\langle\text{target}\rangle} = [\langle\text{source}\rangle,\langle\text{target}\rangle] \big)$ for the indicated source and target. \[\begin{array}{ccccccccccl} \bot & \xrightarrow[\textstyle \top]{\textstyle 1_\bot} & \bot & \xrightarrow[\textstyle \top]{\textstyle \lt} & \top & \xrightarrow[\textstyle \top]{\textstyle 1_\top} & \top & \xrightarrow[\textstyle \bot]{} & \bot & \mkern6em & \cattwo \text{ above, } \bftwo \text{ below} \\ \\ \emptyset & \xrightarrow{\textstyle 1_\emptyset} & \emptyset & \xrightarrow{} & \{\emptyset\} & \xrightarrow{\textstyle 1_{\{\emptyset\}}} & \{\emptyset\} & \xrightarrow{} & \emptyset && \Set \text{ above} \\ \end{array}\]

There is a lot of information packed into those hom-tables. For example:
[That (the edge corresponding to ($\langle\text{source}\rangle=\bot$)) is all $\top$] is equivalent to ($\bot$ being initial in $\bftwo_0$).
[That (the edge corresponding to ($\langle\text{target}\rangle=\top$)) is all $\top$] is equivalent to ($\top$ being terminal in $\bftwo_0$).
[That (the edge corresponding to ($\langle\text{source}\rangle=\top$)) is identical to its input] is equivalent to ($[\top,-] \xlongequal{\textstyle i} 1_\bftwo$). (The letter $i$ comes from a generalization in the paper [CC].)
[That (the edge corresponding to ($\langle\text{target}\rangle=\bot$)) interchanges truth values] is equivalent to ($[-,\bot] = \neg$ (negation)).

The subscript $()_0$ changes meaning when going between (internal category theory) and (enriched category theory)

On the one hand, (an internal category $\catA$ in a category $\calE$) can be viewed as (a truncated simplicial object in $\calE$),
with $\catA_0$ = the object of objects, $\catA_1$ = the object of arrows, $\catA_2$ = the object of composable pairs of arrows, and $\catA_3$ = the object of composable triples of arrows.
That is a useful point of view, and it sets the meaning in internal category theory for $\catA_0$.

On the other hand, in (enriched category theory), there is a long tradition, starting with the Eilenberg-Kelly paper “Closed Categories” and continuing through Kelly’s basic text, Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory, where (the $()_0$ subscript) has a different meaning when applied to (an enriched category).
If $\catA$ is (an enriched category), $\catA_0$ is NOT ($\catA$’s set of objects) (Kelly denotes that by $\ob\catA$, while some other authors use $|\catA|$),
but rather ($\catA$’s underlying ordinary ($\Set$-enriched) category), as defined in section 1.3 of [BCECT].
We wish to emphasize (the enriched categorical point of view), so we adopt its notation.
Thus henceforth $\boxed{\bftwo_0}$ is not the mere set $\{\bot,\top\}$, but rather an isomorph of the ordinary category, and linear order, $\cattwo$.

$\bftwo$ and $\Set$ as $\text{ccccc}$s - complete and cocomplete cartesian closed categories

We assume as already known the fact that $\bftwo$ and $\Set$ are complete and cocomplete cartesian closed categories, whose operations include:
$\bftwo$ and $\Set$ as $\text{ccccc}$s (complete and cocomplete cartesian closed categories)
completeness cocompleteness internal hom
arity: nullary binary arbitrary nullary binary arbitrary binary
$\bftwo$ $\top$ $\wedge$ $\forall$ or $\bigwedge$ $\bot$ $\vee$ $\exists$ or $\bigvee$ $\Rightarrow$
$\Set$ $1$ $\times$ $\displaystyle\prod$ $\emptyset$ $+$ $\sum$ or $\displaystyle\coprod$ $[,]$
We denote the internal hom in $\Set$ (the set of functions from, say, set $\setX$ to set $\setY$), often denoted by exponentiation $\setY^\setX$, by $[\setX,\setY]$.
The other operations necessary for completeness and cocompleteness in $\Set$ are equalizers and coequalizers.
For $\Set$ equalizers are easy, while coequalizers involve completing a parallel pair of functions into an equivalence relation, then taking the quotient of that relation.


CWM, Mac Lane, Saunders, Categories for the Working Mathematician (1971,1998)
BCECT, Kelly, Max, Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory (1982/2005)
CC, Eilenberg and Kelly, “Closed Categories” (1966)
NAMC, Janelidze and Kelly, “Note on Actions of a Monoidal Category” (2001)
Draft stuff:

Relations between the categories

This section is a rough draft:

From (the total order $\cattwo$) to (the $\bftwo$-category $\bftwo$):
The total order $(\cattwo,{\le})$ has
binary products = binary meets = conjunction = $\land$,
and, for each $\objB\in\cattwo$, the order-preserving function $\boxed{-\land\objB : \cattwo\to\cattwo}$
has a right adjoint, denoted $\boxed{\objB\Rightarrow -}$ or $\boxed{[\objB,-]}$ or, combining the previous two notations, $\boxed{[\objB\Rightarrow-]}$ , thus we have:
\[ \pi: \big( \objA\land\objB \le \objC \big) \text{ iff } \big( \objA \le [\objB\Rightarrow\objC] \big), \mkern6em \text{a special case of} \mkern6em \hom {\objectA\tensor\objectB} {(\cal V_0)} {\objectC} \mathop\cong\limits^{\textstyle\pi}_{\text{II, $\S$3}} \hom \objectA {(\cal V_0)} {[\objectB,\objectC]} \mkern6em \text{for $\calV_0 = \cattwo$} \;. \]

From (the $\bftwo$-category $\bftwo$) to (its underlying total order $\bftwo_0$):
Given the internal hom $[,]$, i.e., $\Rightarrow$, define \[ v: \big( \objA\le\objB \big) \text{ iff } \big( \top = [\objA\Rightarrow\objB] \big), \mkern6em \text{which is almost a special case of} \mkern6em \hom \objectA {(\cal V_0)} {\objectB} \mathop\cong\limits^{\textstyle v}_{\text{II (3.12)}} \hom \objectI {(\cal V_0)} {[\objectA,\objectB]} \;. \] (The general cases indicated above) are standard situations in (the theory of closed categories; see section II.3 of [CC]).
The references below the $\cong$ symbols are references to that paper.
The “almost” qualifier is required because (the situation in which it appears) is (a definition of $\le$ in $\cal V_0$), not (an isomorphism between already existing objects).
(The order relation thus defined on $\{\bot,\top\}$) is exactly the same as (that given by fiat on $\{\bot,\top\}$ in the definition of $\cattwo$ as a metacategory, etc.).
Thus $\bftwo_0$ and $\cattwo$ are isomorphic total orders.

\[\begin{array}{} \boxed{\begin{array}{} \textstyle \ar\cattwo \atop {\Rule{2em}{1px}{1px}} \\ 1_\bot \\ \lt \\ 1_\top \\ \end{array}} & \cong & \boxed{\begin{array}{} {\textstyle \le_2} \atop {\Rule{3em}{1px}{1px}} \\ \langle\bot,\bot\rangle \\ \langle\bot,\top\rangle \\ \langle\top,\top\rangle \\ \end{array}} & \cong & \mkern2em \boxed{\begin{array}{} \textstyle \ar(\bftwo_0) \atop {\Rule{4em}{1px}{1px}} \\ \top=\hom \bot\bftwo\bot \\ \top=\hom \bot\bftwo\top \\ \top=\hom \top\bftwo\top \\ \end{array}} & \to & 1 \\ & \searrow & \big\downarrow & \swarrow && \lrcorner & \big\downarrow \rlap\top \\ 1 & \xrightarrow{\textstyle \langle\objectA,\objectB\rangle} & \boxed{\begin{array}{} \{\bot,\top\} \times \{\bot,\top\} \\ \langle\bot,\bot\rangle \\ \langle\bot,\top\rangle \\ \langle\top,\top\rangle \\ \langle\top,\bot\rangle \\ \end{array}} & {}\rlap{\xrightarrow[\boxed{\begin{array}{} \textstyle \hom - \bftwo - \\ [,]_2 \\ \Rightarrow_2 \\ \le_2 \\ \end{array}} ]{\mkern13em}} &&& \boxed{\begin{array}{} \{\bot,\top\} \\ \bot \\ \top \\ \end{array}} \\ && \llap{\text{projections from cartesian product}} \bigg\downarrow \bigg\downarrow \\ && \boxed{\begin{array}{} \{\bot,\top\} \\ \bot \\ \top \\ \end{array}} \\ \end{array}\]

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